Saturday, November 20, 2010

In Line

I was in line today at one of my favorite places to shop...  Ross...  It was a long line.  So, a clerk came up to open a new register and asked for the next person in line.  After that person got in line I waited a few moments to see if anyone else would join behind her, and they didn't.  So, I got in line in the new line and one of the guys in that line told me to get back in line behind him.  The nerve!!!  So, I stayed calm thinking to myself... You had the same opportunity I had.  He got upset and telling me to come backward when I had already moved forward.  Telling me that there was still one line.  So, I calmly said to him that there were now two lines and kept moving forward. 

That experience made me think about all the times I stepped back because of what someone else said instead of moving forward because God had already opened the door. 

Just because you moved forward doesn't mean that you should allow others to hinder the direction God has you going in.

Who would of thunk it...  that situation brought out all this...  LOL

Much Love!
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