Monday, December 13, 2010

~Let it Snow~

It's very interesting to me how when I woke up this morning at 3am to get ready for work.  There was no snow.  When I got to my commuter bus to work there was no snow.  But when a woke up and got off the bus the snow was falling.

What's the Point?  Blessings could be in your forecast, but when you wake up you might not see or feel the blessing.  When you get in you car to go out into your daily activities you might not see or feel the blessings.  But when you take the time to rest in His arms and you open your eyes.  Then you will see the blessings!  One after another after another overtaking you like the snow!

So, that's why I say Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Much Love...

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